2021年10月16日 星期六

external camcorder with iPhone Backpack for TWITCH IRL live stream

How to use external camcorder to do the best IRL livestreaming
  1. iPhone and camciorder can live streaming and charge at the same time

  2. livstreaming resolution is up to 1920x1080p 3000kbps~10000kbps 
    (depend on internet)

  3. add logo

  4. stable : it is best to use wire connecting with iOS... it is not good for use wifi conneting

IRL live streaming equipment

1. camcorder:
   eg: GoPro hero 7,  SONY X3000R, SONY AS300,  SONY camcorder ...

2. FEBON iCapture hdmi grabber card fo iOS use

3. power bank
     I suggest you can use high power capacity

4. iPhone:
   at least iPhone 6

5. lightning to USB3 adpater

6. USB TYPE A to TYPE A cable

7. micro USB cable for FEOBN iCapture charge use

8. lighting extend cable

put red area  into backage

It will become IRL backpacks !!!

GoPro hero 7 with iOS be IRL live streaming

SONY camcorder / X3000R  with iPhone be Twitch IRL live



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