2021年10月16日 星期六

USB UVC webcam camera convert to HDMI and display on TV

   This box  can let uvc usb webcam become hdmi output

"UVC webcam to hdmi" have many detail technical problem to be solve

1. UVC Webcam video stream

   UVC webcam have  YUV  and MJPG  stream

   YUV means no compression . MJPG menas compression stream.

   YUV  video frame rate will be slower than MJPG video frame rate.

   Each YUV and each MJPG also have difference resolution.

   if you catch 640X 480 resolution, the resolution is bad.

   The best uvc stream that be caught  is  MJPG  1280X720.

    The reason is as below

     reason 1: the frame rate can be 30fps

     reason 2 : the video resolution is HD. video performance is better.

          if you caugh 1920x1080 uvc, the frame rate will be reduce.

2. HDMI output is  1920X1080P

    After getting the uvc stream,  it will be convert to 1920x1080p hdmi output.

        We can not fixed the uvc resoution and uvc format and uvc frame rate.

   so, it must have the ability that can let all of kind of uvc resolution  become  1920x1080p  full HD hdmi output.


uvc usb webcam convert to HDMI

IPEVO USB document camera ziggi display on TV

USB microscope to HDMI



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