2018年1月28日 星期日

FEBON368 Hybrid USB UVC & Wireless 360 degree panoramic fisheye camera demo on MAC /iPad

 FEBON368 Hybrid fisheye camera have Wireless and USB UVC interface.

You can directly plug it into WINDOWS / MAC OSX without driver by USB UVC interface.


You also can display on iPad by Wireless 2.4G.

 Because FEBON368 is also an samll AP router!!!!

it is very easy to connect with iPad or Android.


The size is very small.

On the bottom, it embedded the very small AP router

手機轉卡拉OK轉換器組! 手機當成家用KTV, Youtube就是你的免費歌庫

YOUTUBE內有數以萬計的音樂MTV. 若能將YOUTUBE當成免費歌庫, 就可以在家裡免費歡唱... 如何讓你的行動裝置, 安卓手機或者是iPhone 當成是一個行動卡拉OK KTV來使用? 什麼是KTV? KTV就是說我可以邊看電視的MV ,唱歌聲音和伴奏都同時在電視 將手...