2021年10月16日 星期六

How to use apple lightning to USB 3 camera adapter

lightning to USB  adapter can let iOS become host

After connecting with this adapter, your iOS can connect USB device

we will try some usb device


1.USB to ethernet dongle

2. USB keyboard:


3. USB flash card

4. GoPro / SONY sport camera

   your storage must make the folder " DCIM"


    your picture and video must be orignal file from camcorder 

    ( it can not be edited)

5. USB webcam 

6. FEBON iCapture hdmi Grabber card for iOS live streaming use

The test result is as below

USB ethernet dongle-> ok
USB storage -> ok
GoPro / SONY camcorder -> OK 
FEBON iCapture hdmi grabber card-> OK
USB  keyboard-> ok
USB Mouse -> NG
USB webcam -> NG


How to use lightning to usb 3 camera adpater with FEBON iCapture hdmi grabber card?

external camcorder can be live streaming with iOS


How to let usb camera be viewed in iPad

Although usb webcam can not work with lightnning to usb 3 camera adapter,

you need add " uvc webcam to lightning adapter" instead of  "lightning to usb adapter"

Logitech c310 webcam be with iPhone

Logitech C310 webcam work with iPad

 usb microscope be with iPhone

usb uvc microscope work with iPad

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 UVC IPEVO documnet camera work with iPad

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UVC snake camera  display on iPad



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