2021年10月16日 星期六

USB UVC webcam to wire lightning converter for iOS iPhone / iPad


How to buy iOS usb webcam OTG adapter ?


Model 1: Metal case

Model 2: PCBA ONY

Do you ever think if usb webcam can connect with iPhone by lightning connector?

logitech C310 C525 usb webam
iPEVO P2V webcam

you can let usb uvc camera connect with iPhone iPad by wire lightning connector

How to buy from FEBON shop?

USB UVC webcam to lightning converter for iOS iPhone / iPad

How to do ?

1. FEBON  uvc webcam to wire lightning converter box

2. DC 5V  adapter

3. iPhone charge line

4. uvc usb webcam

logitech c525 usb camera display on iPad by wire lightning connector

hardware and iOS limatation :
iPhone 5C up  

step1: plug the USB Y cable with the board

step2: connect usb webcam and lighting as below

step4: you need accept it. (Trust)


some machine can not charge and use at the same time
and will show the error message

But, it still can use!!

Logitech usb camera as wire lightning camera and facebook live streaming on iPad

USB  camera as wire lightning endoscope on iPad

USB snake camera as wire lightning endoscope on iPad

USB IPEVO P2V ZIGGI document camera as wire lightning camera on iPad

USB microscope as wire lightning microscope on iPad

HDMI video display on iPad

HDMI to lightning converter
= FEBON180 UVC HDMI grabber card + uvc webcam to lightning

SDI  video display on iPad

SDI  to lightning converter
= FEBON189 UVC HDMI grabber card + uvc webcam to lightning

CVBS display on iPad

CVBS to lightning converter
= FEBON264 UVC CVBS grabber card + uvc webcam to lightning



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