2012年9月9日 星期日

To transmit the TS video file by tsplayer

The parameter of the modulator from tsplayer is as below

1. Bandwidth: 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8 MHZ
                   ~~DVB-T standard is 6MHZ

2. Frequency (khz): 45~1001 MHZ

                   ~~ it is about 159ch @ 6MHZ bandwidth.
                   ~~ you can choice what channel you want to modulate!

3.Code rate: 1/2, 2/3,3/4,5/6, 7/8
                  ~~the modulator data rate will bigger if the number is big.

4.constellation: QPSK, QAM16, QAM32.

                 ~~ modulator data rate :  QAM32>QAM16>QPSK

                 ~~the distance of  transmitted signal: QPSK> QAM16>QAM32

5.Guard interval : 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32

                 ~~ modulator date rate:  1/32>1/16>1/8>1/4

6. modulator output data rate & TS file input data rate

           ~~ modulator output data rate> TS file input data rate
          ~~  modulator output date rate is almost the same TS file input data rate.

The modulator date rate number is as below.

We will suggest you the parameter if you transmit " 1080i", "720p" and "480i"

1.   1920x1080i NTSC 29.97fps / 1920x1080i PAL 25 fps    

   if you follow our suggestion parameter  that I inform you the video convert, the    parmeter is as below.

   case1: QAM64

   the video bite rate (TS file input data rate) is 12597000.
   code rate:2/3
   Guard interval: 1/16


   the video bite rate (TS file input data rate) is 12597000.
   code rate:3/4
   Guard interval: 1/16

2.1280x720 (720p)  NTSC  29.97fps /1280X720 PAL 25fps

   if you follow our suggestion parameter  that I inform you the video convert, the    parmeter is as below.

the video bite rate (TS file input data rate) is 18509000.
   code rate:2/3
   Guard interval: 1/4

3.MPEG-2-HDV1-480i 4x3  NTSC /MPEG-2-HDV1-576i 4x3 PAL

  if you follow our suggestion parameter  that I inform you the video convert, the    parmeter is as below.

the video bite rate (TS file input data rate) is 18509000.
   code rate:2/3
   Guard interval: 1/4


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