2013年7月28日 星期日

Plug and play UVC capture card works on Embedded Android NEXUS 7 / raspberry PI / Linux

On x86 OS ( wndows xp, win 7, Vista ....and MAC OSX), UVC is embedded driver.

so, we can see the event that USB webcam is plug and play without any software driver on X86.

Does UVC driver also embedded in Android?


You must develop the UVC driver into your Android OS. 

If you are an android Firmware engineer, you can develop the UVC driver into your Andorid OS.

After that, you can let general USB UVC webcam works on Android.

For example, Logitech c525 c310 , Microsoft webcam.

If USB UVC webcam can work, FEBON 100 UVC capture card will also work.

The video clip as below are for FEBON 100 UVC capture card woking on Android or Linux.

1. NEXUS 7  + FEBON 100 UVC capture card

CVBS output from Car rear view camera  + NEXUS 7+ FEBON 100 UVC grabber card

2. China Cheap Android

3. Android TV BOX

  This is Android TV box.

   It claim that it can connect usb webcam.

   I try several android tv box. Not all of TV box have good video performance from webcam.

  The stability is an important issue.    

4. Android TV Box Module

5.raspberry PI

If you build in UVC driver in the Raspberry Pi , UVC webcam can work on it.

CVBS composite UVC grabber card is the same as uvc webcam.

because it follow standard UVC driver.


UVC CVBS composite video grabber card+ Raspberry Pi = WIFI video server

6. FEBON 220 uvc  Wireless AP router

   FEBON 220 embedded  the UVC driver in the linux OS.


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