之前介紹了一篇 "使用傻多(SAPIDO)N速3.5G超迷你易享機 GR-1102 實現居家監控!"
我是用我那支UVC 影像擷取卡插上這個WIFI Router,
在Client端連上WIFI, 然後打開Browser 既可以不用任何設定情況下監控到影像,
只可惜傻多那台Wifi router 是採用Realtek 速度比較慢的SOC處理器,
所以,在Client 端只能看到預設的 320x240 大概15fps 左右..
如 解析度的提高、frame rate 到30fps ,出來要有聲音 及Module 的體積縮小!
關於這些缺點,後來找了Ralink 3050 soc router 的平台,
↓此mdoule 大約 60mm x40mm ,大概就是一般平片的4/5 大小
右邊USB 是插入 隨便一個640x480 MJPEG webcam.
2013年7月30日 星期二
2013年7月28日 星期日
Plug and play UVC capture card works on Embedded Android NEXUS 7 / raspberry PI / Linux
On x86 OS ( wndows xp, win 7, Vista ....and MAC OSX), UVC is embedded driver.
so, we can see the event that USB webcam is plug and play without any software driver on X86.
Does UVC driver also embedded in Android?
You must develop the UVC driver into your Android OS.
If you are an android Firmware engineer, you can develop the UVC driver into your Andorid OS.
After that, you can let general USB UVC webcam works on Android.
For example, Logitech c525 c310 , Microsoft webcam.
If USB UVC webcam can work, FEBON 100 UVC capture card will also work.
The video clip as below are for FEBON 100 UVC capture card woking on Android or Linux.
1. NEXUS 7 + FEBON 100 UVC capture card
CVBS output from Car rear view camera + NEXUS 7+ FEBON 100 UVC grabber card
2. China Cheap Android
3. Android TV BOX
This is Android TV box.
It claim that it can connect usb webcam.
I try several android tv box. Not all of TV box have good video performance from webcam.
The stability is an important issue.
4. Android TV Box Module
5.raspberry PI
If you build in UVC driver in the Raspberry Pi , UVC webcam can work on it.
CVBS composite UVC grabber card is the same as uvc webcam.
because it follow standard UVC driver.
UVC CVBS composite video grabber card+ Raspberry Pi = WIFI video server
6. FEBON 220 uvc Wireless AP router
FEBON 220 embedded the UVC driver in the linux OS.
so, we can see the event that USB webcam is plug and play without any software driver on X86.
Does UVC driver also embedded in Android?
You must develop the UVC driver into your Android OS.
If you are an android Firmware engineer, you can develop the UVC driver into your Andorid OS.
After that, you can let general USB UVC webcam works on Android.
For example, Logitech c525 c310 , Microsoft webcam.
If USB UVC webcam can work, FEBON 100 UVC capture card will also work.
The video clip as below are for FEBON 100 UVC capture card woking on Android or Linux.
1. NEXUS 7 + FEBON 100 UVC capture card
CVBS output from Car rear view camera + NEXUS 7+ FEBON 100 UVC grabber card
2. China Cheap Android
3. Android TV BOX
This is Android TV box.
It claim that it can connect usb webcam.
I try several android tv box. Not all of TV box have good video performance from webcam.
The stability is an important issue.
4. Android TV Box Module
5.raspberry PI
If you build in UVC driver in the Raspberry Pi , UVC webcam can work on it.
CVBS composite UVC grabber card is the same as uvc webcam.
because it follow standard UVC driver.
UVC CVBS composite video grabber card+ Raspberry Pi = WIFI video server
6. FEBON 220 uvc Wireless AP router
FEBON 220 embedded the UVC driver in the linux OS.
2013年7月27日 星期六
[廣告]已經有 50 pics 現貨!!! 免驅 擷取卡 CVBS USB 影像擷取卡 歡迎洽詢!!
2013年7月23日 星期二
Combo 2-in-1 5 Meagpixel Document camera For iPad Android tablet and Windows / MAC OSX
The performance of USB interface document is the same as IPEVO Ziggi HD Document camra
If it connect to FEBON 220 UVC WIFI AP Router, it will become Wireless.
It is Not only for Windows XP/ WIN 7/ WIN8 / MAC OSX , but also for iPad Androd tablet.
it can let at least 10 ea iPad to connect it.

These package includes
1. Auto Focus 5 Megapixel USB document camra
2. 2. FEBON220 UVC Wireless AP
Become Wireless Document ......
Directly connect PC by USB interface
If it connect to FEBON 220 UVC WIFI AP Router, it will become Wireless.
It is Not only for Windows XP/ WIN 7/ WIN8 / MAC OSX , but also for iPad Androd tablet.
it can let at least 10 ea iPad to connect it.

These package includes
1. Auto Focus 5 Megapixel USB document camra
Dimension | 25.9cm x6.5cm x30.6cm |
Interface | USB 2.0 UVC 1.1 version |
Capture range | A4 Document paper |
effect sensor pixel | 2592x1944 (This is real pixel ) |
Frame rate | 2592x1944 @15 fps 1920x1080@15fps 1280x720 @30fps |
Light | 16 ea LED |
Focus | Auto Focus |
Weight | 550 g |
2. 2. FEBON220 UVC Wireless AP
Wireless | 802.11 b/g/n |
antenna | 2T2R |
Interface | RJ45 X2 (LAN, WAN) USB interface (For USB camera ) RESET AP mode / Client Mode |
Resolution | 640x480 1280x720 1280x960 1280x1024 |
Audio | RTSP stream |
Connect Client | At least 10 people for iPad iPhone Android |
Power | DV 5V /1.2A (含攝影機) |
Weight | 120g |
Become Wireless Document ......
Directly connect PC by USB interface
2013年7月22日 星期一
2013年7月20日 星期六
USB 教學用實物投影機(document camera ) 或電子顯微鏡在IPAD 上看的方案
如果將 USB device Document camera 插入 市面上某些可以吃webcam 的 Router 網通設備,
如此,老師在講台上課就可以透過router 內部網路,即時分享給正在上課使用IPAD的學生
↓想法大概是如此, 將一台實務投影機連接至可以吃webcam 的網通設備,可以分享至IPAD
如此,老師在講台上課就可以透過router 內部網路,即時分享給正在上課使用IPAD的學生
↓想法大概是如此, 將一台實務投影機連接至可以吃webcam 的網通設備,可以分享至IPAD
2013年7月18日 星期四
2013年7月12日 星期五
1.1 11年-12年高清監控行業整體規模及主要應用領域①(主要自Sony的報告)
目前高清監控的主要應用領域包括:公安、城市交通、能源、銀行、鐵路、高速公路,其他應用領域包括:機場、教育及商業。Market Share請見下圖:

1.1 11年-12年高清監控行業整體規模及主要應用領域①(主要自Sony的報告)
目前高清監控的主要應用領域包括:公安、城市交通、能源、銀行、鐵路、高速公路,其他應用領域包括:機場、教育及商業。Market Share請見下圖:

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