2019年3月28日 星期四

USB UVC 3D stereo video image Stereoscopy camera by hardware stitch

This camera have two fisheye camera.

This application is for Stereo video  (3D video  )

USB  UVC  output. 

Hardware stitch by FPGA !!

1280X720P  30FPS

No driver for MAC OSX / WINDOWS 

HOT KEY Change Mode ( 3D mode / single Mode)

USB connect with MAC OSX

Open MAC quicktime to preview

it is real no driver.

2019年3月22日 星期五

InGaP HBT Power amplifier (PA Module) for FPV (First-person view) Wireless UHF DVB-T video transmitter

InGaP HBT Power amplifier

Small! Light!

 DC 5V power supply @ 300mA
(it is easy to get!)

 Frequency: 40MHz – 4000MHz

High Gain: up to 19.5 dB

MER > 36dB

FPV (First-person view)  Wireless UHF DVB-T  video  transmitter

Video demo:

Connect the " FEBON HDMI / CVBS / SDI DVB-T TX modulator box"

It is simulate for the FPV airplane

2019年3月15日 星期五

CVBS / SDI / HDMI HD capture card for iOS with lightning connector ( iPad / iPhone use)

How to buy?

[Metal case] 
FEBON iCAPTURE card for iPhone (iOS) use with live streaming and iPad as tv monitor 

HD capture box for iOS with Lightning connector ( iPad iPhone)

Do you find out any grabber card to support  iPad iPhone iOS use?

I think that you do  not find out the product as below in the world!

NO Jailbreak  (NO JB)


UP to  1920x1080p 30fps into iOS 

DATASHEET Download Link


It will be come true!!

The video grabber card will transmit live video stream into your iPad By  lightning connector

HDMI : 1920X1080P 60FPS  /50fps ,  1280x720p 60fps/50fps, 1920x1080i 60 /50 field

it is very very amazing!!

如何用DJI Pocket 3實現外接雲台控制?兩種種設備實測分享

dji pocket 3 橫式HDMI輸出且連接外掛USB控制雲台 連接視訊導播台 atem mini pro dji pocket 3 豎屏hdmi輸出,且連接外掛USB控制雲台  串上導播台 ATEM MINI PRO  最近我在研究如何讓DJI Pocket 3通過外接US...