2019年3月22日 星期五

InGaP HBT Power amplifier (PA Module) for FPV (First-person view) Wireless UHF DVB-T video transmitter

InGaP HBT Power amplifier

Small! Light!

 DC 5V power supply @ 300mA
(it is easy to get!)

 Frequency: 40MHz – 4000MHz

High Gain: up to 19.5 dB

MER > 36dB

FPV (First-person view)  Wireless UHF DVB-T  video  transmitter

Video demo:

Connect the " FEBON HDMI / CVBS / SDI DVB-T TX modulator box"

It is simulate for the FPV airplane

Absolute Maximum Rating

Supply  Voltage 5V -6V
Supply Current 300mA
RF Input Power 0 dBm  ,  -10~ -5 dBm
Storage Temperature Range -65 to +150℃
Junction Temperature: 175 ℃

Product Specifications

Frequency (Min) 40 MHz
Frequency (Max) 4000 MHz
Die Technology InGaP HBT
IC datasheet  MMG3014
Supply Voltage 5V
Supply Current 135 mA
Power Gain (typ) (dB) 195 @ 900 MHz
Third Order Output Intercept Point 40.5 dBm @ 900MHz
P1 dB (Typ) 25 dBm
Output Power (Typ) (dBm) @ f 25 @ 900MHz
3rd Order Intercept Point 40.5 (dBm)
Noise Figure (Typ) (dB) 5.7 @ 900MHz
Thermal Resistance (Spec) 27.4 (℃ /w)
Connector SMA male
50 Ohm(In/Out)

DATASHEET  Download :




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