2015年3月20日 星期五

USB DVB-T / ATSC /DTMB TX dongle comparison Table

1. USB DVB-T / ATSC /DTMB  TX dongle  comparison Table 

Linux SDK version DVB-T TX Dongle

video demo:


Low cost version DVB-T /ATSC /DTMB  TX dongle

video demo


Price US$195 US$120
advantage 1.Provide LINUX /WINDOWS SDK

2.High power (about 40m)

3.you can choice many parameter of Modulator

4. you can develop your own ap for windows and Linux 

5. DVB-T bandwidth 

    3Mhz ~8Mhz
1. Cheap

2.Support ATSC / DVB-T  /DTMB modulator

3. windows AP is very very easy to use

  For example
  any video file can be broadcast into DVB-T channel. 
 Just click one icon!!
disadvantage 1. expensive

2. windows AP is NOT friendly

  for example:

  if you want to let windows video file to broadcast into DVB-T channel, you must transfer your video file into TS video .
1.low RF power (about 30m)

2.No LINUX / windows SDK.

3.Do not open many parameter of Modulator. 

4. Only for WINDOWS 

5.DVB-T bandwidth is just 6Mhz

1. USB dongle of DVB-T modulator
2. antenna
3.  WINDOWS AP of video trasformation ( transfer video to TS file)
4.  AP of "pc to tv " and "ts player"
5. SDK   (software design kit) of  WINDOWS and Linux

1. USB dongle of DVB-T/ ATSC 
2. windows AP /driver

   2.1 pc to tv

   2.2 video file to tv (any video file)

2. The application of  Wireless HDMI input  DVB-T  TX transmitter modulator (generator)

Linux SDK version DVB-T TX Dongle

Low cost  DVB-T /ATSC /DTMB TX dongle

1.Linux SDK vesion DVB-T TX Dongle

2.FEBON168 UVC USB hdmi capture card

1.Low cost DVB-T /ATSC /DTMB TX dongle

2.FEBON168 UVC USB hdmi capture card

3. How to add the output RF UHF power?


a. To add the PA ( Power amplifier)


b. The distance between Power amplifier and antenna must be more than 3 meter.

c.  the placed away from the walls and railings.

    The best location of  antenna is open void (wide spacious)
   ( in my video demo, it is not 100% spacious and empty-void.)

  in my test environment, it  is not good



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