2013年10月17日 星期四

Linux / windows version User manual for USB dongle of DVB-T dvb-t Modulator generator transmission

This Linux / windows version DVB-T TX dongle will provide you the more parameter for you to modify!!

Windows AP is more complex than windows only version DVB-T TX donlge

if you are interested in  windows only version DVB-T TX dongle,

please reference as link.


The user manual of USB dongle of DVB-T dvb-t Modulator (generator /transmission)

Introduce for USB dongle of DVB-T transmitter generator (modulator).

TS video file is forecast by  DVB-T Channel on PC

1. Driver install for USB dongle of DVB-T modulator

2. install video convert software.

3. convert the video file  to  TS video file

4. To test the video bit rate of TS video file.

5. To transmit the TS video file by tsplayer

If your setup is at first use, please follow 1 and 2.

you will always repeat 3 , 4 and 5  if you use the this dongle.

 PC TO TV by  DVB-T Channel on PC

The "pc to tv" is no guarantee. 

If you want to let "pc to tv " work well, we suggest you to use "ACER notebook i7 intel cpu" as the below picture.

If your setup is at first use, please follow 1

you will always repeat 2 and 3 or  2 and 4 if you use the this dongle.


youtube或apple music當免費歌曲資料庫..家裡電視當KTV不在折騰了

  我的想法是希望手機投影到電視, 連接麥克風至聲卡,  能夠成為一個卡拉ok的系統 youtube上面的歌曲或apple music音樂庫,就可以當成ktv的歌庫來源! Youtube: 奇奇怪怪的mv都有, 很難找不到音樂資料庫 apple music: 可以app去除人聲,...