2018年7月31日 星期二

NO DRIVER (Driverless) USB3.0 UVC HDMI grabber card work on MAC AIR

Available: The middle of September 2014. 

Work on MAC  OSX


up to 1920X1080P 60fps YUV output

Smallest in the world!!

The prtototype of UVC USB3.0 HDMI grabber card  is  very big.

It  become 25mm x80mm PCBA  now.

YUV output! 1920x1080p!  no compression.

I use my MAC AIR 2012 version to do the experiment.

Due to no USB 3.0 port on MAC AIR 2012, I add the " thunderbolt to USB3.0" box to connect it.

The version 1 has a little hardware bug.

we will fix it  within 2 weeks.

It will start to MP on the middle of September 2014.

INPUT is up to 1920x1080p 60fps and OUTPUT is  UVC 1920x1080p 60fps

NO compression or  scale distortion.

No delay ( No time latency)

Does USB3.0 HDMI grabber card work on your PC???

1. Windows XP does NOT  support 5M/8M pixels USB camera. 
2.Please operate 5M/8M pixels USB camera on Windows 7 or Windows 8 platform 

3.On Window 7 platform, If the resolution of MJPG format is over 2M pixels, please install DirectShow MJPG Decoder.

4. MAC OSX 10.9 /10.8  is no problem!!
Check with your win7 / win8  (Notice of Intel Haswell UL)

1.Under Windows 8, you need to install MSFT Hotfix or enable RTD3 function

2. Otherwise, you can use Windows 8.1 directly. 

3. Check if your USB is XHCI


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