2013年12月14日 星期六

UVC ドライバ必要なしUSB接続のHDMIビデオキャプチャユニット

In STOCK NOW!! (PCBA only)

Download USB接続のHDMIビデオキャプチャユニット

Why ドライバ必要なしUSB接続のHDMIビデオキャプチャユニット

Follow standard UVC (USB VIDEO CLASS). USB webcam like!
Driver free for MAC and windows

HDMI  to UVC !!!! 

If you plug in UVC grabber card into your MAC,  MAC will think it is a general usb webcam.

It will be driver free on X86 system 32bit or 64bit.

Driver free for  MAC OSX , windows xp, windows 7, windows 8, VISTA.

For embedded system Linux or Android,

If you can let usb webcam work, FEBON168 UVC HDMI  grabber card will also work.

To save your time! and easy build in in your embedded system.


UVC driver is  standard. Even you buy one sample

The PCBA size is only  25mm x80mm.

It is the smallest in the worled!!!

                 FEBON168 UVC HDMI graber card can apply on video stream AP. 

it follow standard uvc.

video stream ap will think it is a general webcam.

For example, skype, QQ, MSN , MAC VJ ....


JUST step1 ~step4!! ドライバ必要な!!!!

STEP1: plug in the HDMI UVC grabber card Into notebook

STEP2: Plug in the HDMI video source into HDMI grabber


STEP3: Before open the software AP (quicktime, amcap and etc),  there are two kindly of mode

mode1: 720P 1280X720

           it means the HDMI source is 720P

          The led Light will turn on as the below.

Mode 2: 1080p 1920x1080 input

         It means the HDMI source is 1920x1080p

        The LED light will turn on as the below.


STEP4: OPEN AP ( quicktime, AMCAP and etc)

For example: MAC quicktime player

FEBON168 UVC USB HDMI grabber card video demo

 Macintosh Mac専用の
USB接続のHDMIビデオキャプチャユニット without install any driver

FEBON168 USB UVC HDMI grabber card works on

1.MAC OSX quicktTime player

2. VJ Avenue

HDMI video source is multimedia box

FEBON168 USB UVC HDMI grabber card works on MAC OSX

1.VJ Avenue

HDMI video source is multimedia box

FEBON168 USB UVC HDMI grabber card works on

windows 7

1. quicktime player

HDMI video source is from Android tv box and iPad HDMI output

Work on Microsoft windows (ドライバ必要な) .

FEBON168 USB UVC HDMI grabber card works on windows 7

1. amcap

HMDI VIDEO source is from iPad HDMI output

 UVC HDMI grabber card + USB DVB-TX DONGLE

= Wireless HDMI  DVB-T TX modulator box

1. USB DVB-T TX Dongle

   it can broadcast all windows screen by DVB-T modulator. 

   The wireless HDMI signal will be receive by DVB-T RX BOX 


   HDMI video source is from iPad HDMI output. 


= Wireless HDMI  DVB-T TX modulator box

1. USB DVB-T TX Dongle

   it can broadcast all windows screen by DVB-T modulator. 

   The wireless HDMI signal will be receive by DVB-T RX BOX 


   HDMI video source is from Panasonic DSC

Work on Embedded  Linux  / Android

Works on LINUX!!!

UVC HDMI grabber card + FEBON220 UVC WIFI AP router

= 2.4G Wireless HDMI VIDEO SERVER ( iPad can use)

1. FEBON220 UVC WIFI AP router 
   it can connect with uvc webcam and become wireless ip camera.

2. FEBON 168 UVC HDMI grabber card 

  HDMI VIDEO source is from multimedia box . 

UVC HDMI grabber card + FEBON220 UVC WIFI AP router

= 2.4G Wireless HDMI VIDEO SERVER ( iPad can use)

The video source is  Professional Nikon D500 DSLR camera

IF you add the tele lens, you can see birds!!

Directly plug in  Android
(Android os need embedded UVC driver first)

you must check if your android can connect general webcam.

if your android can connect uvc webcam, FEBON168 UVC HDMI grabber card will also work.

The HDMI video is from mutimedia box.

INPUT is 1280X720 and UVC OUTPUT is 640X480

Directly plug in  Android
(Android os need embedded UVC driver first)

you must check if your android can connect general webcam.

if your android can connect uvc webcam, FEBON168 UVC HDMI grabber card will also work.

The HDMI video is from windows 7 NOTEBOOK

INPUT is 1280X720 and UVC OUTPUT is 640X480


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