2013年3月13日 星期三

UVC CVBS composite video grabber card+ Raspberry Pi = WIFI video server

Raspberry Pi is an ARM base small computer under Linux or Android OS.

it have two type version.

A type is USD25.  B type is USD 35.

The more information can see the wiki website as below.


If you build in UVC driver in the Raspberry Pi , UVC webcam can work on it.

CVBS composite UVC grabber card is the same as uvc webcam.

because it follow standard UVC driver.


UVC CVBS composite video grabber card+ Raspberry Pi = WIFI video server

This picture show that CVBS backup camera connect with UVC grabber card.

The analog video signal is transfer to wifi video internet package.

Nexus 7 received it and display on APP.

The BOM cost is as below.

 USD 35  Raspberry Pi Model B
 USD xx  Black case for RPi
 USD xx  8GB SDHC memory card
 USD 8  USB 802.11n 150Mbps Wifi
 USD xx  FEBON 100 UVC video grabber
 USD 30  Backup camera



UVC CVBS grabber card+ Raspberry Pi  is also equal the same as

UVC grabber card+ UVC WIFI AP  ROUTER.



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