2013年3月23日 星期六

FEBON 100 CVBS (TV OUT) UVC Grabber card user manual

Standard UVC Webcam Like
No Driver for MAC OSX  / widnows series

Works on Embedded Android / Linux

Why FEBON 100 USB CVBS UVC grabber Card

Follow standard UVC (USB VIDEO CLASS). USB webcam like!
Driver free for MAC and windows 

If you plug in UVC grabber card into your MAC,  MAC will think it is a general usb webcam.

It will be driver free on X86 system 32bit or 64bit.
Driver free for  MAC OSX , windows xp, windows 7, windows 8, VISTA.

For embedded system Linux or Android,

If you can let usb webcam work, FEBON 100 UVC grabber card will also work.
 To save your time! and easy build in in your embedded system. 

Good Video Quality 
3D comb filter , 3D De-interlace, 3D Noise Reduction  

FEBON 100 UVC grabber card build in pure hardware base video process.

Without using your computing power, it will let your video quality be better than others. 

includes 3D de-interlace , 3D comb filter and 3D Noise reduction.


NO 3D comb filter 


3D comb filter 

NO 3D de-interlace 

3D de-interlace 



Driver Free for MAC OSX

How to use on MAC? (Build-in QuickTime Player)

Plug in FEBON 100 UVC grabber


OPEN QuickTime player

choose the  "file" and then " new video record


To click “▼” 



To choose “ usb camera”

and unknown audio



Woks on another professional Video AP software of MAC OSX

General speaking, if the software in MAC can get the video from external webcam,driver free uvc grabber also can work on it.

So far, just only one software iMovie can not work.
The most software on MAC for example,  QuickTime player, QuickTime player pro, FaceTime, PhotoBooth, SKYPE, YoTube , professional VJ (visual Jockey)  modul8,AVENUE, istopMotion,
ustream, Final cut pro x ( fcp x) , final cut pro x tutorial

The more demo are as the link as below

Driver Free for Windows.

FEBON 100 follow UVC. The level is  higher than directshow.

It works on  windows AP that follow NOT only directshow but also  usb webcm only .

If your software can let general usb webcam works ( for example, logitech C525 C310), FEBON 100 UVC grabber card will also work.

windows SKYPE, windows amcap, windows KMPlayer,  windows Youtube, Arcsoft webcam compression, windows VLC,

3~4 pics grabber card work on MAC /Windows at the same time 

Windows just can accept one video grabber card at the same time.

FEBON 100 have a special firmware design.

windows can accept more than one FEBON 100 UVC grabber card and at least 3 pics.

Not only windows But also MACbook and MACbook pro.

Directly plug in  Linux or Android

Android module platform

You must build in Linux UVC driver into Android OS.

It is NOT very easy. you must own the SDK of main android SOC chip!!
FEBON 100 UVC usb capture (grabber) card will be as an "UVC Bulk or ISO webcam"
If you can let general usb uvc webcam work (for example,Logitech c310 c525), FEBON 100 UVC grabber card will also work.

The demo is as below "Play from UVC Bulk Camera to Android UVC Player"

Android tablet

You must build in Linux UVC driver into Android OS.

It is NOT very easy. you must own the SDK of main android SOC chip!!
FEBON 100 UVC usb capture (grabber) card will be as an "UVC Bulk or ISO webcam"
If you can let general usb uvc webcam work (for example,Logitech c310 c525), FEBON 100 UVC grabber card will also work.

Raspberry Pi
FEBON 100 UVC grabber card + Raspberry Pi + usb wifi dongle= video server

On Raspberry pi, CVBS signal is captured by FEBON100  UVC grabber card and then transmitted video stream.

AUSUS NEXUS 7 capture the video stream by Wireless connecting.

FEBON 100 UVC Grabber card + FEBON 220 UVC WIFI AP router

= Combo Wi-Fi   wireless video server with AP router

FEBON 220 UVC WIFI AP router  can connect with FEBON 100 UVC grabber.
it can broadcast the video stream to iPad / android
It also own AP router mode, user just connect SSID of “FEBON 220”.
It is vey easy to setup.


UVC Grabber card works on NEXUS 7

Before use, Please do the root and  follow two step
step 1:
step 2:

Mac専用の 必要はないドライバ(Driver free ) USBビデオキャプチャユニット


 If UVC grabber card can NOT work, How to solve? 

 How to change F/W? 


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