2024年8月23日 星期五

Turn vertical portrait mode DJI Pocket 3 into HDMI

Firmware dowload : 


How to upgrade:


How to setup parameter:


What is vertical portrait mode of DJI pocket 3?

  dji pocket 3 LCD monitor is vertical style!

How do we turn vertical portrait mode DJI Pocket 3 into HDMI?

white adapter is " uvc-hdmi dual mode adapter

it can turn uvc to HDMI !!

After turn dji pocket 3 into hdmi, you can connect to video switcher ( black one) or tv monitor 

Case1:  If the adapter goes to grab 1920x1080 uvc, uvc to hdmi will be as below

             (Turn 1920X1080 UVC to hdmi) 

  it will show black area .  

turn the tv monitor 90 degree. its vertical mode video CAN NOT full of tv monitor

Case2:  If the adapter goes to grab 1080x1920 uvc, uvc to hdmi will be as below

             (Turn 1080x1920  UVC to hdmi) 

   vertical mode video will be full of tv monitor

   you just turn your tv monitor 90 degree 



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