2020年7月15日 星期三

Broadcast DV camcorder cable tv box from your MAC OSX with Facebook Live and Youtube live

Recently, facebook can live broadcast.

For Facebook live application, most people use internal webcam be as a live video source.

This article will introduce how to broadcast DV cmcorder from PC MAC OSX with facebook live

and Youtube Live

You need the tool as below

1.  MAC or PC

2. Software : OBS

3.  USB2.0 FEBON168 UVC HDMI grabber card   ( entry level)

     USB3.0 FEBON178 UVC HDMI GRABBER CARD  (  advance level ;Best performance )


The system block is as below

FACEBOOK  LIVE broadcast

step1: facebook setup . to get the stream key

Not all of people can broadcast with Facebook Live.

If your account can not , please connect the below link . 

you also can do !


After click the link, you will get the stream key . 

please copy and then you will  paste into OBS software 

step2:setup the video and audio source of OBS

video SOURCEvideo capture device ->   HD TV CAM
  audio source  :  audio capture device   - > HD TV CAM

  step3:close  OBS and then  open again

step4: paste the stream key into OBS

step5 Start stream

we will also see the live stream in your facebook

step6:go to the small windows ( that you just click the link) and start the live broadcast

Youtube Live

step1:  to get the stream key

After click the link, you will get the stream key . 

please copy and then you will  paste into OBS software 

step2:setup the video and audio source of OBS

video SOURCEvideo capture device ->   HD TV CAM
  audio source  :  audio capture device   - > HD TV CAM

  step3:close  OBS and then  open again

step4: paste the stream key into OBS

step5 Start stream

we will also see the live stream in your youtube

step6:go to live youtube website page
         it will autu start the youtube live.

I use two video demo to inform you step1 - step6

it is very easy!!

I use two video demo to inform you step1 - step6

it is very easy!!

sample 1: i use the hdmi cabble tv box as the video source.

sample 2 :  I use the DV camcorder as the facebook live source

Depend on my experience, the CPU using rate is best when it is 30- 40% range.

 at this condition, the video and audio will be smooth 


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