2016年5月23日 星期一

How to solve the noise "Bi Bi Bi " of Grabber card in WINDOWS / MAC

The UAC audio "Bi Bi Bi...." is due to the sampling rate.

The sample rate of audio from the HDMI machine are  44.1khz  / 48khz.

The audio sample rate in the PC ( windows / MAC ) must equal the audio  sample rate of HDMI

For eample:

if audio  sample rate of hdmi is  44.1Khz and UAC audio  44.1Khz in the PC, the audio will be normal

if audio  sample rate of hdmi is  48Khz and UAC audio 48Khz in the PC, the audio will be normal

If audio sample rate of hdmi is  44.1Khz and UAC audio  48Khz in the PC, the audio will happen "Bi Bi" noise.

If audio sample rate of hdmi is  48Khz and UAC audio  44.1Khz in the PC, the audio will happen "Bi Bi" noise.

How to Change audio sampling rate in WINDOWS?

step 1: audio setting

 step2:  find out the  USB audio device ( HD TV CAM)


step3:  advance setting

How to change audio sampling rate in MAC OSX?

search ap "midi"

you can select 44.1khz or 48khz

Video demo



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