2016年5月31日 星期二
HDMI Adapter box for " usb uvc webcam video source to HDMI output "
This box can let uvc usb webcam become hdmi output
"UVC webcam to hdmi" have many detail technical problem to be solve
1. UVC Webcam video stream
UVC webcam have YUV and MJPG stream
YUV means no compression . MJPG menas compression stream.
YUV video frame rate will be slower than MJPG video frame rate.
Each YUV and each MJPG also have difference resolution.
if you catch 640X 480 resolution, the resolution is bad.
The best uvc stream that be caught is MJPG 1280X720.
The reason is as below
reason 1: the frame rate can be 30fps
reason 2 : the video resolution is HD. video performance is better.
if you caugh 1920x1080 uvc, the frame rate will be reduce.
2. HDMI output is 1920X1080P
After getting the uvc stream, it will be convert to 1920x1080p hdmi output.
We can not fixed the uvc resoution and uvc format and uvc frame rate.
so, it must have the ability that can let all of kind of uvc resolution become 1920x1080p full HD hdmi output.
2016年5月23日 星期一
How to solve the noise "Bi Bi Bi " of Grabber card in WINDOWS / MAC
The UAC audio "Bi Bi Bi...." is due to the sampling rate.
The sample rate of audio from the HDMI machine are 44.1khz / 48khz.
The audio sample rate in the PC ( windows / MAC ) must equal the audio sample rate of HDMI
For eample:
if audio sample rate of hdmi is 44.1Khz and UAC audio 44.1Khz in the PC, the audio will be normal
if audio sample rate of hdmi is 48Khz and UAC audio 48Khz in the PC, the audio will be normal
If audio sample rate of hdmi is 44.1Khz and UAC audio 48Khz in the PC, the audio will happen "Bi Bi" noise.
If audio sample rate of hdmi is 48Khz and UAC audio 44.1Khz in the PC, the audio will happen "Bi Bi" noise.
How to Change audio sampling rate in WINDOWS?
step 1: audio setting
step2: find out the USB audio device ( HD TV CAM)
step3: advance setting
How to change audio sampling rate in MAC OSX?
search ap "midi"
you can select 44.1khz or 48khz
Video demo
2016年5月11日 星期三
SR1913 :全世界最小的 CVBS output (tv out) video encoder 用在內視鏡 內窺鏡 工業蛇管 ,取代三洋 SANYO LC822973-04V-TBM-GBE
如果您是做內視鏡 蛇管的廠商,
應該都有聽過 三洋 SANYO LC822973-04V-TBM-GBE
但是很可惜,三洋 SANYO LC822973-04V-TBM-GBE
早在2008 年就停產, 現在廠商使用的大多是用他的庫存貨
除了DATE CODE 太久 ,那也就算了,
這顆ic 的庫存也快要沒有了...
SR1913 :全世界最小的 CVBS output (tv out) video encoder 用在內視鏡 內窺鏡 工業蛇管 ,取代三洋 SANYO LC822973-04V-TBM-GBE
目前市面上的 TV OUT encoder 一籮筐,
沒有人為了工業檢測或是安全監控 市場專門開一顆像樣的IC
這顆ic主要是針對於,工業檢測攝影機 ( endoscope / snake camera ), 直徑5.5mm 的dimension以下的攝影機
↓目前這類的攝影機,鏡頭的直徑大多是在 5.5mm 以上, 主要卡在tv out encoder 的體積限制!
SR1913 他的體積大小只有 3.6mm ,
這樣做出來的攝影機,理論上可以到4.6mm 的直徑寬度
除此之外,還有 Frame buffer,
不管前面CMOS sensor吐出 幾張畫面 N 介於 1~30 , 都可以順利轉成CVBS
如果在低召度時候,可以控制sensor 吐出比較低的 frame rate,
SR1913 可以吃1M 的ITU.656 的訊號進來,
由於解析度夠高,但是輸出的CVBS 大概就是720x480,
可以利用這一點做到e PTZ 不會有馬賽克的!
還有一些奇奇怪怪功能, 比如魚眼修正,OSD, keystone 修正, muti widnows,
ic 的系統架構圖
目前業界主要是用 SANYO LC822973 這一顆tv out encoder 去做 endoscope snake camera
但是SANYO LC82973 早在2008 八月已經停產
使用的ic 都是庫存貨,date code超過五年了!!!!
以下這張tabel, 是這兩款ic的比較圖
EVB board 即將要完成!
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