2019年5月31日 星期五

FEBON USB grabber capture card series work on Linux ubuntu

For linux application, NO Refund!!! 

I can not guarantee all of linux. 

If you want to buy, you must take the risk

All of FEBON USB grabber card can work on Linux ubuntu .

PC hardware:  mac air  2013 (2014)

usb ubuntu 15.x flash 

your PC must have "USB3.0 XHCI " host. 

how to make the " usb ubuntu install flash card"??

If you follow my idea to make the usb ubuntu flash , it will beocme the outlook as below

step1: download the ubuntu iso

step2: tranfer the iso  become mac format  " dmg"

step3  format the flash card and copy all file into flash card

USB2.0 series 

FEBON USB2.0  series grabber card work on Linux  ubuntu 15.x

1.  USB2.0 FEBON100 UVC CVBS capture cad


2.  USB2.0 FEBON264 UVC H.264/MJPEG /YUV capture card

3. USB2.0 FEBON168 UVC HDMI capture card

4. USB2.0 FEBON188 3G-SDI capture card


FEBON USB3.0  grabber card series work on Linux  ubuntu. 

1. USB3.0 FEBON180 UVC HDMI capture card

2. USB3.0 FEBON198 UVC HDMI capture card

3. USB3.0 FEBON199 3G-SDI grabber card

For linux application, NO Refund!!! 

I can not guarantee all of linux. 

If you want to buy, you must take the risk that it can not work on linux.


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