2018年10月5日 星期五

25mm x80 mm smallest UVC WIFI Wireless AP ROUTER

 This  UVC WIFI  Wireless AP router is 25mm x80mm.

It is very very samll in the world.

There are 16 pin for power, usb , console TTL and etc pin defintion. 

It need have a power / connector board.

To provide it power and the usb uvc device connecoter for this 25mm x80mm uvc wifi router

 25mm x80mm  UVC WIFI AP router + Power board

You can creat  difference WIFI  video product!!!

You can connect with all kind of  mjpeg  USB UVC device.

1. Wireless CVBS video server.

   if you connect  FEBON100 UVC CVBS grabber card ,

  it will let CVBS stream become wireless  / LAN  wire video stream .


2. Wireless HDMI Video server.

if you connect  FEBON168 UVC CVBS grabber card ,

  it will let CVBS stream become wireless  / LAN  wire video stream

3.  Wireless  3G-SDI / HD-SDI  video server

if you connect  FEBON188 UVC sdi grabber card ,

  it will let CVBS stream become wireless  / LAN  wire video stream


4.  WIFI Microscope / skin endoscope

5. WIFi Document camera.

6. Wireless  360 degree  fisheye camera.


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