2014年6月23日 星期一

1. What is difference between 1080p version and 720P version USB HDMI grabber card?

Both of 720P and 1080P version USB HDMI grabber card can take the HDMI source resolution is as below.

720P version

UVC HDMI grabber card

1080p version

UVC HDMI grabber card
HDMI input 1920x1080p @60 /50/30/24 fps

1920x1080i  @60/50 field

1366x768 @60fps

1280x720 @60 /50 fps

720x480p @30fps
1920x1080p @60 /50/30/24 fps

1920x1080i  @60/50 field

1366x768 @60fps

1280x720 @60 /50 fps

720x480p @30fps

USB UVC output Single  1280x720p 30fps mjepg, 10fps YUV Single  1920x1080p 15fps mjepg, 5fps YUV

1. it is very easy to use!

   NO crop issue

2. Single one 1280x720p uvc output.

(see the below diagram)
. it is very easy to use!

   NO crop issue

2. Single one 1920x1080p uvc output.
disadvantage 1. it is no 1920x1080p output 1. it is no 1280x720p

The difference is output resolution and how to display

CASE1: 720P version usb hdmi grabber card: (Default Shipping)

720P version add the scale up /down function

all of kind of hdmi input resolution will scale up /down into single one 1280x720p output:

CASE2: 1080p version USB HDMI grabber card:

1080P version add the scale up /down function

all of kind of hdmi input resolution will scale up /down into single one 1920x1080p output:


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