2012年8月30日 星期四
2012年8月23日 星期四
1. install Intel Media SDK
install Intel Media SDK.
STEP1: go to Intel Media folder W_MSDK-2012_P_30.014_GOLD
STEP 2: RUN the program.
If your PC is 32bit, please run " intel _Media_SDK_WIN32"
If your PC is 64bit, please run " intel _Media_SDK_x64"
2012年8月19日 星期日
2012 蘆洲 重陽橋 重劃區 集賢路 星巴克咖啡 Starbucks coffee
2012年8月16日 星期四
2. install the driver of "pc to TV"
Due to the driver of " pc to tv" is NOT stable, there are several version to test.
The "pc to tv" is no guarantee.
1. IF you use WINDOWS XP, please follow the steps~
There are many driver of "pc to tv" in this folder.
Every folder will own their "install.bat"
For example, we go to the folder "win-xp-pc2tv"
You can try all driver in the folder and test it can work!!
2. If you use Windows 7 32 bit, please follow the step~~
Step 1: Press " start"
STEP 2: Search " cmd"
STEP 3: Right click on “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator
STEP 4: Go to DOS command line and key the below command
cd c:\dvbt\pc-to-tv\pc2tv-webcam-20130313
(Note: There several "pc to tv" folder. I just use "pc2tv-webcam-20130313" for example.
The Youtube demo is as below.
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