2013年4月5日 星期五

DIY! You can own private channel of DVB-T TV station

DVB-T is a popular digital  video broadcast in Europe

It is very easy to make your own private channel of DVB-T TV station.

I will use general PC , usb dongle of DVB-T transmitter  TX and uvc grabber or webcam to make private channle of DVB-T  TV station.

I will introduce you two video signal source as your own private Channel of DVB-T television station.

CASE1 CVBS RCA  (analog  composite) video source

CASE 2 USB UVC webcam ( for example logitech C525 C310)  as video source

CASE1: CVBS video source


1.  USB dongle of DVB-T Modulator generator transmission (TX)

2.  CCTV camera ( CVBS RCA  AV output)

3.   USB   UVC   grabber card

4.  Intel i5   pc

CCTV camera signal will be capture by UVC grabber card.

 USB dongle of DVB-T transmitter will modulate signal by hardware base.

you can choose which channel you want .

The video as below is my real step-by-step

CASE 2 USB UVC webcam ( for example logitech C525 C310)  as video source

1. 720X480 MPEG-2

2. 1280x720 H.264


1.  USB dongle of DVB-T Modulator generator transmission (TX)

2. UVC  USB webcam

3.  Intel i5  pc

The resolution of DVB-T channel is up to 1920x1080i.

I think this application is for community or education. many user can see the real time video at the same time.



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