2022年1月7日 星期五

HDMI splitter for atem mini pro & Samsung TV troubleshooting


I will discuss the atem mini (pro) hdmi input / output compatible issue & nintendo  connect samsung tv issue. 

For atem min series, trobuleshooting for as below
1.hdmi input (channel 1) error color :
2. atem mini pro can not connect to samsung tv .
3. atem mini pro can not connect to Cheap China hdmi capture card

you just add a hdmi splitter that is NOT macrosilicon IC MS399X inside.
i think the hdmi input / output error will be troubleshooting.  


For Nintendo switch with samsung tv , trobuleshooting for as below 

1. add a  hdmi splitter that is NOT macrosilicon IC MS399X inside.

APLICATION 1:  ATEM MINI PRO hdmi input channel 1 troubleshootoing

atem mini series HDMI input  cahnned 1 have compatible issue

some hdmi source will be displayed error color

you just add a FEBON hdmi splitter. 

Purchase link : https://livestream.qdm.tw/HDM-splitter-for-atem-mini 


APPLICATION 2:  ATEM MINI (Pro) display on samsung 4k TV



I see many friend discuss why atem mini pro cannot display on samsung tv.
I also use samsung 4K tv
I add an  hdmi splitter that is not MS399X ic inside,  it will display on samsung tv.

How to buy HDMI Splitter that can work on samsung 4K TV?

purchase link: https://livestream.qdm.tw/HDM-splitter-for-atem-mini

atem mini pro CAN NOT be compatible new hdmi splitter that ic macrosilicon MS9332 inside.
it is very very pity.  in the market ( ebay or amazon..), 99%  hdmi splitter market share  are MS9332 IC inside. 



2022年1月5日 星期三

cross-platform hdmi capture card for iOS / android / win10 / MAC / LINUX


Does a HDMI capture card can work on WINDOWS / MAC / android / iOS  and LINUX ?


FEBON iOS HDMI cpature card  is a cross-platform capture card

it can do live streaming for any OS platform 

 1. For iOS ( iPhone / iPad)

   app: medialink live / medialink switcher

如何用DJI Pocket 3實現外接雲台控制?兩種種設備實測分享

dji pocket 3 橫式HDMI輸出且連接外掛USB控制雲台 連接視訊導播台 atem mini pro dji pocket 3 豎屏hdmi輸出,且連接外掛USB控制雲台  串上導播台 ATEM MINI PRO  最近我在研究如何讓DJI Pocket 3通過外接US...