2020年10月3日 星期六

UVC grabber card ( UVC capture card) work for Raspberry pi

UVC grabber card ( UVC capture card) work for Raspberry pi

"UVC grabber card"  means " usb webcam like" 

Once  USB webcam ( logitech c310 c270 c525 c920, Microsoft) can work on your PI,

FEBON series UVC grabber card will also work on Raspberry Pi.

USB3.0 FEBON264 PLUS UVC CVBS capture card is ultra low video latency 

0.06sec + tv video latency 

( maybe tv video latency is 0.05 sec, you do not know how to test it)

You DO NOT install or modified the grabber driver.

It will save you a lot of  precious  time  and UVC driver is the best stability

iPad as  a TV monitor for Raspberry pi

1. use FEBON iCapture hdmi capture card

Test on raspberry  pi 2  model b / Pi 3 model b
(update 2016/10/27)

Raspberry pi 2 model B  / Pi 3 model B:

APP:  qV4L2

        video UVC :  video0 or video1
        audio UAC :  support

UVC capture card:

NEW Product: 16:9 mode
USB3.0 FEBON180 UVC HDMI grabber card (plus) work on raspberry pi

USB2.0 mode output:
1920x1080p, 1280x720p : 30fps mjpg
854x480p :  25fps yuv. →  specical firmwre: yuv output and 16:9


      UVC video source : video0

      camera:  composite CVBS camera

Raspberry pi 3 model b Raspberry pi 2 model b

2.  USB2.0 FEBON100  UVC CVBS grabber card

UVC video source : video1

 camera:  composite CVBS camera

Raspberry pi 3 model b Raspberry pi 2 model b


UVC video source : video0

camera:  composite CVBS camera

video latency: 60ms + tv video latency
              (we can not test tv latency )

Raspberry pi 3 model b Raspberry pi 2 model b

The video latency comparison  of FEBON100 / FEBON264 / FEBON264PLUS CVBS grabber card

4. USB2.0 FEBON168 UVC HDMI grabber card

  UVC video source : video0

 HDMI source:  SONY DV / TV BOX show

Raspberry pi 3 model b Raspberry pi 2 model b

5 USB3.0 FEBON169 UVC HDMI grabber card

USB3.0 uvc hdmi grabber card is compatilbe for USB2.0 mode of Raspberry pi 2

USB3.0 UVC HDMI grabber card can output 1920x1080p  30fpsuvc mjpg to Raspberry pi 2

Due to the small cpu power, the video frame of 1080p uvc is not good

it will have good frame rate when uvc output is 720p or 640x480

UVC video source : video0

 HDMI source:  SONY DV

Raspberry pi 3 model b Raspberry pi 2 model b

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