2019年10月29日 星期二

Hybrid USB / Wi-Fi Wireless microscope set

Hybrid USB / Wi-Fi Wireless microscope set  includes as below

1.  USB Mode:   UVC MJPEG microscope: 5x- 200x

2.  Wi-Fi Mode :  FEBON220PLUS UVC WIFI AP router + UVC MJPEG microscope: 5x- 200x

 FEBON220PLUS is also compatible part of Dino-Lite microscope

If Dino-Lite microscope can connect with their  Dino Lite Wi-Fi adapter ( WF-10), 

It will also can connect with FEBON220PLUS UVC WIFI AP ROUTER

For example:AM/AD4xxx (R4), AM4xx5, AM/AD7xxx (R4), MEDL4xx (R4), MEDL7xx (R4) series




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