2016年10月28日 星期五
[廣告] 使用免驅USB UVC hdmi 擷取卡將 HD SDI 攝影機 在MAC OSX 顯示
SDI 攝影機透過一個 "SDI 轉 HDMI " 的轉接盒 ,就可以讓 SDI 變成 HDMI 輸出
賣過SDI 攝影機的朋友就知道,
出門拜訪客戶,要展示SDI 攝影機,就好像要大搬家一樣,
扛一台 笨重的銀幕,帶到客戶端去DEMO
雖然目前也有出比較輕巧的SDI 顯示螢幕,但是價錢上還是偏貴,仍然需要佔體積
但是,如果透過 UVC HDMI grabber card 的話,將會大大的改變目前的缺點
1. 輕薄短小:
UVC HDMI grabber card 只有 25mm x80mm
就算再加上一個 " SDI TO HDMI " 的盒子,也沒有多大的小
2. 免驅動,你愛插哪裡就插哪裡, 節省寶貴的安裝驅動程式的時間
有時候你的客戶會認為,是不是在某款的LCD pannel 才會畫質漂亮,
無法屏除是否是 " LCD PANNEL" 的這一個變因.....
你有了UVC HDMI GRABBER CARD, 你愛插哪個筆電就插哪個筆電
可以在WINDOWS XP SP2 以上, windows 7, vista, windows 8, MAC OSX 下都是面驅動的
你可以隨時的展示給客戶看,你的SDI 攝影機不管在哪一台筆電的LCD 螢幕顯示的各種畫面
2016年10月25日 星期二
USB 2.0 FEBON168 UVC USB HDMI Grabber card user manual
NO Driver !! Driver less!! Driver free!!
how to buy? (FEBON SHOP)
iPad iPhone as a monitor for camera
+ UVC to lightnning OTG
iPad can be a hdmi monitor for SONY camcorder GoPro
(DEFAULT Shipping: 720P version)
![]() | ![]() |
Download FEBON168 UVC USB Grabber card datasheet
Download link -720P VERSION datasheet pdf (PCBA)
Download link -1080P VERSION datasheet pdf (with Plastic case)
Why FEBON168 UVC USB HDMI grabber Card
Follow standard UVC (USB VIDEO CLASS).
USB webcam like!
USB webcam like!
Driver free for MAC and windows
Low cost hdmi standalone broadcaster pro box
(android phone live broadcast into Youtube and ustream)
1.Android phone ( not all of android phone can work. it have compatible risk)!!
2.USB2.0 FEBON168 UVC HDMI grabber card
3. Android app " cameraFi LIVE"
HDMI INPUT broadcaster box= FEBON168 UVC HDMI GRABBER + Android phone + apk "cameraFi Live" | CVBS INPUT Broadcaster box = FEBON264 UVC CVBS GRABBER + Android phone + apk "cameraFi Live" | SDI INPUT Broadcast box= FEBON188 UVC SDI GRABBER + Android phone + apk "cameraFi Live" |
REAL DEMO | Real demo | Real demo |
SAVE on Youtube | SAVE on Youtube | Save on Youtube |
HDMI to UVC !!!!
compatible for (x86) web video live stream
The web video live stream for MAC / WINDOWS are as below
skype, line, google hangouts, Livehouse in, ustream, livestream, vidyo, adobe meeting,
FUZE meeting, sportcode, Wirecast
GoPro Hero4 display on MAC Google hangouts /skype /OBS /Livestream /WIRECAST
compatible for (x86) web video live stream
The web video live stream for MAC / WINDOWS are as below
skype, line, google hangouts, Livehouse in, ustream, livestream, vidyo, adobe meeting,
FUZE meeting, sportcode, Wirecast
GoPro Hero4 display on MAC Google hangouts /skype /OBS /Livestream /WIRECAST
WINDOWS Google hangout | MAC Google hangout |
WINDOWS ustream | MAC ustream |
More demo for Working on Live stream video link
If you plug in UVC grabber card into your MAC, MAC will think it is a general usb webcam. It will be driver free on X86 system 32bit or 64bit. Driver free for MAC OSX , windows xp, windows 7, windows 8, VISTA. For embedded system Linux or Android, If you can let usb webcam work, FEBON168 UVC HDMI grabber card will also work. To save your time! and easy build in in your embedded system. |
Small time video lantecy:
about 0.2sec -0.25sec
Test on X64 ubuntu
Test on MAC OSX
Test on Android phone.
about 0.2sec -0.25sec
Test on X64 ubuntu
Test on MAC OSX
Test on Android phone.
UVC driver is standard. Even you buy one sample
The PCBA size is only 25mm x80mm.
It is the smallest in the worled!!!
FEBON168 UVC HDMI graber card can apply on video stream ap.
it follow standard uvc.
video stream ap will think it is a general webcam.
For example, skype, QQ, MSN , MAC VJ , Ustream....
Video and Audio Sync issue
UVC (video) and UAC (AUDIO ) is two independence stream.
The output from uvc grabber cad is sync.
After the PC cpu Process, it may have occur No Sync ISSUE.
This event is the same as the uvc webcam ( logitech webcam, Microsoft webcam)
All of UVC device ( camera , grabber card...) have this Sync issue.
It is due to the PC CPU process priority.
It need the software AP to build the SYNC function for Audio and video
Case 1: No SYNC function for audio and video
For example: windows amcap (record), MAC quicktime ( record)...
Case 2: Own SYNC function for audio and vide
For example: OBS, Live google hangouts Youtube , skype.....
(The No sync event will be smaller)
It can let your video and audio always be sync
Please DO NOT let your PC CPU using rate > 40%
Parameter | BEST setting |
Audio shift | Mixer-> sync offset : +300ms |
Video input /output | Input /output :1280x720p |
Bit rate | Output ->output mode -> bitrate :5500 (better) |
MAC OBS record
windows OBS record
JUST step1 ~step4!! no driver!!!!
STEP1: plug in the HDMI UVC grabber card Into notebook | STEP2: Plug in the HDMI video source into HDMI grabber |
STEP3: Before open the software AP (quicktime, amcap and etc), there are two kindly of mode
STEP4: OPEN AP ( quicktime, AMCAP and etc)
For example: MAC quicktime player
2016年10月20日 星期四
2016年10月18日 星期二
FEBON168 UVC 免驅動程式hdmi 影像擷取卡 已經完成工程樣品!! 預計 2013/12 正式量產!! (影片已經更新)
免驅動程式uvc usb hdmi 擷取卡,
產品編號 FEBON168 UVC USB HDMI grabber card.
從這麼多串的肉粽 終於變成 25mm x80mm!!
WINDOWS XP sp2 以上任何版本 MAC OSX 都不用驅動程式就可以直接用!!!
當然,也可以插入到Android 或是 Linux 平台中, 只要將UVC driver 搞定就可以!!
預計2013 12月正式量產100套 試賣
2016年10月2日 星期日
virtual UVC 是 MJPEG IP CAMERA (無線顯微鏡)和windows directshow 的橋樑
一般我的USB webcam 是他符合標準UVC driver
如果在x86 電腦下 (windows / MAC OSX),uvc webcam 是隨插即用
我們常看到的windows 的視訊軟體 或是視訊影音軟體 大部分都會支持uvc dirver
比如skype , amcap , KMPLAYER 等等
到了後期的視訊軟體大部分都有支持 directshow
Directshow 和UVC 是有集合關係的....
支持directshow 的視訊軟體,一定能夠支持UVC.......
這樣子可以得知, UVC 在相容性來說,是比較厲害一點
之前常常在思考,做WEBCAM UVC / directshow的公司 比如上市公司 迅連科技
和做IP CAMERA 網路串流的軟體公司,是不是這種軟體可以透過一個橋樑作為溝通
比方說,IP CAMERA 是否可以由 directshow軟體來看到畫面呢?
為何需要由UVC 軟體來看到?
原因一: 減少軟體研發費用
假如我已經寫出一個很厲害的directshow AP , 那麼我就可以利用舊有的那一套
比如說,一支很專業的usb 顯微鏡
usb 顯微鏡的賣點就是他的軟體,廠商可能花了幾百萬才寫出來.....
如果這時候廠商又有研發IP base 的顯微鏡 (無線顯微鏡), 若能夠透將IP 的影像轉成 UVC
原因二: 可以免費達到穿牆目的
雖然現在很流行穿牆 p2p ip camera, 也就是宣稱的免設定ip camera
如果這時候IP CAEMRA 的影像,可以轉成 uvc 模擬的訊號進去,
skype 就會傻呼呼的以為ip camera 是一個webccam ....
原因三: UVC 比 directshow 屌!
相容度來說, 如果能夠做出virtual uvc ,其相容度理論上會比 directshow 還要更相容!!
免費的 Virtual UVC 軟體
目前只有windows有這樣的軟體, MAC 還沒有
在windows下,下載 manycam , 就可以達成這樣的目的
我是拿一個無線顯微鏡 (MJPEG wireless microscope) 做實驗
只要將usb 顯微鏡插入我的 FEBON220 WIFI AP ROUTER, 就可以變成無線的!!
2. MANYCAM 的設定
要告訴manycam .....你的ip camera的ip address and port
3. Virtual UVC " manycam" 成功騙過 VLC, AMCAP, SKYPE 等等
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